Suspected ‘roof box murder’ for investigation into PBC

The 52-year-old Jan Willem H. from Assen, who confessed that he killed his 37-year-old Hungarian partner by strangling her and hid her body for a while, is being examined in the Pieter Baan Center (PBC).

This came to the fore on Tuesday during the first introductory session in Assen. The substantive hearing of the case is expected this fall.

The case came to light on February 7 due to a floating roof box in the Oranje Canal near Orvelte. Bystanders called the police. The body of a woman was in the suitcase. DNA tests revealed it to be the Hungarian woman, who had been reported missing a year earlier. The woman was the partner of the suspect from Assen, who was arrested and interrogated a day later.

The man confessed that he had already killed the woman in March 2020. It has not yet been revealed where he hid the body for all that time. Almost two years later, he tried to get rid of the body, but the suitcase floated. The woman’s family reported to the police in Hungary at the beginning of 2020 that they were missing their relative and were concerned about her stay in Assen.

An investigation by the Large-Scale Investigation Team (TGO) turned up nothing. Until the suitcase turned up in the canal. The next introductory session is in July. Until then, the Assenaar will remain in jail.
