Suspect of dumping waste with asbestos on A7 remains stuck for longer | NOW

The 32-year-old man who was arrested last Thursday on suspicion of involvement in nightly waste dumping on the A7, will remain in jail for two weeks longer. The examining magistrate decided on Monday.

On 28 July and 1 August, pallets and waste were dumped on the A7, among other things. A vehicle collided with the waste dumped there near Frieschepalen and was badly damaged.

The dumped waste also contained asbestos. According to the police, this was so damaging “that Rijkswaterstaat had to call in a special team to clean up the waste”.

The police launched a major investigation. According to the police, this showed that the arrested man, from the Groningen municipality of Westerkwartier, may have been involved in the waste dumping at Marum and Frieschepalen.

The man is also suspected of arson and violating the Environmental Management Act. In addition to dumping waste, fires were also set on and along several highways.
