Suspect in fatal stabbing juvenile detention arraigned on Tuesday

Suspect in fatal stabbing juvenile prison arraigned on Tuesday

The 18-year-old suspect of the fatal stabbing in Den Hey-Acker youth prison in Breda will be arraigned on Tuesday. According to the police, it is a boy from The Hague. In the incident, a 19-year-old fellow detainee from Enschede was killed and a 20-year-old man from Nijmegen was injured.

The detainee from Nijmegen has been taken to hospital. A police spokeswoman could not say what his condition was. No information has yet been released about the reason for the stabbing, which happened around 3.15 pm on Friday. The police investigated the spot and seized the stab object. The Justice and Security Inspectorate is also investigating the stabbing.

According to the Judicial Institutions Service (DJI), the management and staff of the juvenile detention center are “very affected by this horrific event”. Aftercare is arranged for those directly involved.

The juvenile detention center made headlines a few months ago after a juvenile who was incarcerated escaped and was eventually shot dead by the police in Belgium. The young detainee had a firearm and was taking DJI staff hostage with it.
