Suspect (74) of supplying suicide drug on the loose | Inland

For example, the man must remain available for questions from the police and he is not allowed to sell the deadly drug X during the suspension.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, an investigation has shown that more than five hundred people have placed an order with the man. At the moment, four deaths are said to be linked to the ingestion of the drug X supplied by the man.

The suspect sold the suicide drug over the internet and sent it to his customers by post. He would have made considerable money with the sale. Lawyer Sébas Diekstra represents the relatives of one of the fatalities in this criminal investigation. “Hopefully it will become clear how many people have become victims of this poisonous and inhumane substance,” he said.

Do you need help? Then contact the Suicide Help and Prevention Line. Talk about it. Tel: 0800-0113 (free), 113 (regular rate) or
