Suspect (33) of fatal accident near Efteling in which entire family died filmed how he drove 250 per hour | Abroad

A 33-year-old Dutchman who is suspected of causing a fatal accident on the A59 at Sprang-Capelle – close to the Efteling – was driving 250 kilometers per hour on the highway, according to the Public Prosecution Service. He would have filmed his speed with his mobile phone. An entire family of four was killed in the accident.

The family originated from Raamsdonksveer, a few kilometers from the scene of the accident. It consisted of a father and a mother aged 46, a boy aged 13 and a girl aged 10.

The facts happened on Friday evening, March 10. The suspect – from Zevenbergschen Hoek, north of Breda – was the driver of one of the four cars involved in the accident. He himself was slightly injured. A test immediately after the accident showed that the man probably had too much alcohol.

Huge speed difference

According to the Public Prosecution Service (OM), he did not pay enough attention to other traffic and drove with “an enormous speed difference” on the back of the passenger car of the family from Raamsdonksveer. The OM suspects him of manslaughter. He himself was not present at the court hearing in Breda. His lawyer says he is mentally unstable. He undergoes a personality test. There were many relatives.

© FPMB Erik Haverhals

The investigation has not yet been completed. Reading the on-board computer of the suspect’s car should provide more information about what the speeds were and whether the brakes were applied during the last seconds of the journey. The investigation into the contents of the suspect’s phone has also not yet been completed.

It is already clear that it contains 23 different films, recorded over a period of two years, showing thirteen serious traffic violations.

He is devastated and never wanted this

Suspicious fatal accident

In the psychological examination, one of the questions is whether the man has had a blackout. “He is devastated and never wanted this,” said the suspect’s counsel. The lawyer disagrees with the suspicion of manslaughter. According to him, the man has “braked considerably”. A witness would also have stated that.

The Public Prosecution Service continued to speak of manslaughter in court. “Sir just filmed his own traffic violations. How much more draft do you want?” According to the prosecution, the suspect “made no serious effort to avoid a collision. He didn’t let off the gas until the end of the cutscene. He continued to accelerate until 1 second before the accident.”

The suspect remains in custody, the court decided. Relatives responded with relief. The next session is scheduled for August 10.

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