Suspect (24) becomes a victim himself

On Saturday morning, a 24-year-old is said to have been a perpetrator – in the evening he became a victim himself.

At the Saturday morning the 24-year-old is said to have been involved in a robbery. The victim: a 25-year-old.

At the Sunday evening this victim, together with other men, is said to have threatened the 24-year-old with a weapon, among other things. According to the police, they were called to an apartment building on Siriusstrasse at around 9:50 p.m. According to witnesses, a group of ten to 15 men appeared there, kicked the 24-year-old’s apartment door, verbally threatened him and asked him to come out. One of the people is said to have held a weapon-like object in his hand.

When the threatened man called through the door that he would now alert the police, all the suspects fled the apartment building. A search of the house shortly afterwards was unsuccessful. However, a description of the men allowed four of them – two 25, one 24 and one 23 – to be arrested nearby. At the same height, the police forces also found a handgun in a bush. This was secured.

Three of the four suspects were released after a personal check on the spot. A 25-year-old was brought in for a specialist police department. Exactly the 25-year-old who was the victim of the robbery on Saturday morning.

Investigations into both crimes are ongoing.


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