Survivors, the previews of the last episode: the truth

S.tasera at 21.25 goes on the air the last episode from Survivors. And finally all the mysteries that hover over shipwreck of the Arianna reveal themselves. It turns out who is threatening the castaways And what really happened on the boat after she was overwhelmed by the storm and his wreck reappeared, a year later, off the Venezuelan coast. They had departed in twelvebut only six are back alive.

Survivors: previews of the last episode

As always, an episode of the fiction is composed of two episodes. Let’s see tonight Ghosts and Atonement. The first obviously relates to what happened in the penultimate episodeaired last night, when the survivors were being harassed by someone taking them threatened. Here we see the survivors living i a ‘escalation of fear. They are terrified of being get assaulted and lose your life, absurd after having managed to escape the shipwreck and have made it back to Italy. The threats are thought to come from the relative of one of the victims of Ariadnebut it is still unclear who he is.

The skipper Luca (Linen Pillow) and his wife Sylvie (Stefi Celma), after trying to hide in the mountains, but without making it, they try to secure their daughters Maia and Camilla taking them to the home of the parents of Sylvie. However, they don’t want to scare the girls, so they keep them in the dark (or at least try to keep them in the dark) of the real reasons for this move.

Luca with his wife Sylvie. (Rai)

To take matters in hand, all of a sudden, it is Nino (Luca Castellano), the son of Giulia (Barbora Bobulova), very famous actress, played onArianna as a testimonial, together with her husband Frank (Florian Fitz). Both of them disappeared in the shipwreck. Ninoa shady boy, a victim of bullying, he then found himself confronted to the cruel reality of being an orphan. Now he takes courage and decides to face the killer that haunts them. Unfortunately, however, he makes a fatal mistake.

Lino Guanciale “king of fiction” 2022

All truths come out

In the last episode, Atonement, finally little by little all doubts are dissolved. First of all it turns out who is the perpetrator of the threats against the survivors. This is something that interests not only those who are come back alive from the boat trip, but also to who is next to them And to the entire community of Genoawhere the events ofArianna And of survivors have become a collective thriller.

But find out the identity of the threat perpetrator it is not enough. The real drama of those who escaped the shipwreck is another: continue to keep the secret on the facts that really happened on the boat to avoid losing credibility or get rid of everything and definitively spill the beans?

In a flasback back on board theArianna And you see what happened. The castaways, now exhausted by fatigue, hunger, quarrels and quarrels, come to terms with the survival instinct. While unwilling, they were forced to take action inhuman and violent. Were they ruthless or were they justified by the extreme situation?

Survivors will not have the second season

Despite the fast pace of the mysteries that envelop the shipwreck and despite the attempt to involve the public by dissecting the psychological implications of the various characters, fiction Survivors not convinced. After a debut good (with one share around 19%), the following episodes have recorded a sharp decline in ratings, settling around at 15% share. There penultimate episode on the air last night he even saw it fall the share at 14.4%.

The accused is above all the structure of the narrative: the continuous and tiring flashback which bring back on board theArianna they probably made the vision of fiction complicated. And also i too dense mysteries perhaps they have led the viewer not to become attached to fiction. The fact is that this latest episode, instead of going on air next week, was brought forward to today. And the decision not to produce a second season of Survivors.

