Survivors on Raiuno, plot and character Lino Guanciale

QWhat mechanisms are triggered when one is forced to fight for survival? What are you willing to do in order to be able to extend your life? These are difficult questions to answer because the imaginary may not correspond to reality. To this descent into the abyss of the soul the protagonists of Survivorsthe new TV series with Lino Guanciale that from tonight on Raiuno at 21.25 takes us aboard the Ariadne.

12 passengers embark on this futuristic boat for an Atlantic crossing that aims to raise funds for cancer research. The boat is shipwrecked a few days after departure due to a storm and disappears from the radar. The wreck reappears a year later, but only 6 passengers remained on board.

Survivorsthe passengers

The cast of “Survivors” (Rai)

Among the passengers of Ariadne there are the owner Armando Leone (Luca Biagini) – who organizes the trip in memory of his daughter Arianna – with young partner Lea (Adèle Wismes). The ship’s doctor is Gabriele Clementi (Alessio Vassallo) embarking with his wife Marta (Camilla Semino Favro). Testimonial of the crossing is actress Giulia Morena (Barbora Bobulova) on board with her husband Frank (Florian Fitz) and son Nino (Luca Castellano). With them there are also two other collaborators of the construction sites, the technician Tano Russo (Vincenzo Ferrera) and the skipper Luca Giuliani. In the role of Giuliani, who leaves his wife Sylvie (Stefi Cèlma) and his 2 daughters on the ground, there is Lino Guanciale.

Survivorsthe plot

The return of the survivors to Genoa is not as the relatives had imagined it. That year spent adrift, of which they give too similar a version, has changed them. Their story, above all, does not convince the policewoman Anita Clementi, mother of Gabriele, the ship’s doctor who is among those who have not returned from the tragic journey. So she decides to investigate and, failing to convince her superiors, she does it alone.

Lino Guanciale, a season of the king of fiction

Despite Survivors is a choral story, Lino Guanciale takes the lion’s share. It is to him that, upon returning to the mainland, the castaways turn to who, in addition to trying to adapt to their lives again, have many secrets to hide. Survivorshowever, it is only the first of the TV series in which the actor from L’Aquila will be the protagonist this season. Guanciale, in fact, will return in the shoes of two other beloved characters: Commissioner Ricciardi and Leonardo Cagliostro, also a commissioner, who is at the center of the supernatural events of The red door. That Guanciale is the true king of fiction is demonstrated by the success of the summer reruns of The veiled ladyin which the actor starred opposite Miriam Leone.

Amarcord, happiness and “no”

“See me again The veiled lady it was a beautiful amarcord. That was my first important role on television », Guanciale admitted that she is experiencing this success very serenely. The role of antagonist ne The veiled lady it came after the less important ones in The secret of water, A big family And God help us. “I am very happy and I am also very lucky because I achieved success after the age of 30 and I was also able to take the luxury of saying no,” she admits. Guanciale was Pietro Peirò in the remake of We, series canceled after only one season.

The partnership with Carmine Elia

Lino Guanciale will be Leonardo Cagliostro in the third and final season of “La porta rossa” (Rai)

Guanciale never said no to Carmine Elia, the director of both The veiled lady both of Survivors. “He’s very good: he has a happy hand,” says Guanciale, who was also directed by Elia in the miniseries. The system and ne The red door.

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Lino Guanciale, the debut in writing

Actor, director (and before that rugby player), Lino Guanciale also made his debut as a writer. His first book is entitled Ink, a long story that was premiered at PordenoneLegge and has been in bookstores since last September 22nd. “Ink it begins with the words “Life is a dream”, a drama by Pedro Calderón de la Barca – says Guanciale -. It is a tale between the dreamlike and the real of which Rosaura is the protagonist, a woman who sees the tattoos of her body break up her order and make her own certainties waver ». Not those of Guanciale which are more than solid.

