Surveys: 38% think that the adjustment is “painful but necessary”

According to the most recent survey of Argentina thinksthe consulting firm led by Facundo Nejankis, a 38% of Argentines believe that the measures promoted by the national government, which include the cut of subsidies and the recent increase in fares in public transportation, are “painful but necessary“. Only 17% believe that the measures are positive, while 44% classify them as negative.

At the same time, a 49% believe that Javier Milei should subsidize services public electricity, gas and water, while 47% think the opposite. In an eventual parity that marks an eventual triumph of the preaching of the president and his cabinet: in September 2023 only 38% were in favor of cutting subsidies while 55% insisted that they be maintained.

Subsidies: electricity bill

But beyond this eventual support, Argentines’ expectations regarding an improvement in the economic situation are low. 50% believe that inflation will increase (in contrast to 37% who believe it will decrease and 12% who believe it will be the same); 53% say they are afraid of losing their job (a percentage that reaches 59% among women, compared to 48% among men); 58% believe the dollar will increase (22% believe it will remain stable); and finally, 48% estimate that their economic situation will be worse in the coming months (23% predict improvement).

For the consultant Zuban Córdova Meanwhile, “the political scenario of third parties that appeared more than two years ago with the emergence of La Libertad Avanza is beginning to blur.” “Today we have elements to confirm that this redesign is still underway, now marked by the dissolution of the thirds and the creation of a new polarization system, with two increasingly clear poles,” adds its February report in relation to the eventual alliance of Milei and Mauricio Macri. A closing ranks that would confirm the drop in discharge approval: at least the 80% of voters from both forces agree that an alliance is necessary or merger between the PRO and LLA to govern.

Macri and Bullrich

According to these measurements by Zuban Córdova, President Milei, Victoria Villaruel and Patricia Bullrich have negativized their image between 5 and 10 percentage points since December. The one who fell the most was Patricia Bullrich from 55% to 45.6%. While Karina Milei and Toto Caputo remain at December values. The only leader who has a greater positive image than a negative one is Leandro Santoro, a moderate in the K ranks.

52.8% believe that the country is going in the wrong direction, and 54.5% have distrust that Milei will improve the economy. But the president maintains a very important core of support, close to 45%. Thus, the government has a 45% positive image, although it is beginning to acknowledge the blows to its pocketbook. In December, 50.8% believed that the person responsible for the bad situation in Argentina was Alberto Fernandeztoday that number was reversed, and 50.8% blame Milei.

Photogallery A puppet of Argentine President Javier Milei is seen during a demonstration during a national strike against the government of Javier Milei in the center of Buenos Aires

Separate chapter for gender differences and youth. Women are more distrustful and distant from the government, with a 7% difference compared to men. But Milei retains the support of men under 30 years of age. “March and April will be key months. What happens in those two months will surely determine the course of the rest of the year in terms of political and social stability,” the report advances.

by RN

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