Survey: who wins the Buenos Aires internship in Together for Change

According to a survey published that day by the Social and Political Studies Consultant, circuitswhich was carried out between April 26 and 28 of this year among a population older than 16 years in 15 communes of the city of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri is the favorite for the PASO of August among the candidates of Together for Change.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Government would retain, according to these measurements, 23.7% of the votes, followed by Martin Lousteau with 18.5%, thus giving the ex-president’s cousin an advantage Mauricio Macri five points above the radical candidate and former economy minister of Cristina Kirchner.

In third place would be Leandro Santorocandidate of the Frente de Todos, with 17.3% of the vote, three and a half points ahead of the Liberal candidate Ramiro Marra who would have 13.9%, leveraged by the leader of the space javier milei.

Far behind would be located Fernan Quiros with 6.4% of the votes, who has the support of the head of government. The current Buenos Aires Minister of Health, precisely insists that a face-to-face survey could define who should be the candidate of the space to face Lousteau in the internal elections, and many in the PRO speculate that he could decline his candidacy in the coming days after know the withdrawal of the Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Soledad Acuna who through a video on social networks communicated that he will no longer seek the position.

the same Rodríguez Larreta la was then proposed as an eventual running mate for one of the space candidates, and could be announced in the short term as second to Quirós, although they do not rule out political marriage with Lousteau in the internal, something that would mark the preferences of Larretismo for the radical.

A statement that could reopen the waters in the PRO as happened two weeks ago when the presidential candidate announced the concurrent elections with electronic voting in the City of Buenos Aires, a measure in accordance with the law that in any case triggered public anger from Mary Eugenia Vidal and Mauricio Macri.

The former governor, who is also speculated to withdraw her candidacy in the coming weeks (in the macrismo they realize that she would have already communicated the decision to the former president), rules out in any case that this could lead to a candidacy in CABA . With that scenario, Jorge Macri would have the smoothest path, but in the environment of the former mayor of Vicente López they insist that it is not necessary to trust: “the next 50 days will be of a lot of thread and many internal ones”, they warn

And the government minister is analyzing today the best options to add allies to the internal one that confronts him with Lousteau, who has invested hundreds of millions of pesos in his campaign on social networks, and is betting on a formula crossed with larretism. In this sense, Jorge Macri evaluates adding to Republican referents, the space of Ricardo Lopez Murphywhich has as a promise to Roberto Garcia Moritanhusband of Pampita Ardohain, who is named as eventual deputy chief or potential minister.

And attentive to the main concerns of the Buenos Aires electorate, Macri campaigns with the focus on insecurity, the second issue on the city’s agenda with 18.5%, behind inflation with 34.1%. His proposal to facilitate tasers for women who are targets of threats of gender violencegenerated echoes and adhesions..

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