Survey shows: Germans do most of their banking online

Majority do banking online

In Germany, most bank customers do their financial transactions on their PC or smartphone. This is the result of a representative population survey commissioned by the Association of German Banks (BdB) and published in January 2022. The Institut Kantar, which asked a little more than 1,000 people about the processing of their banking transactions, is responsible for conducting the survey. The survey came to the conclusion that 56 percent of those surveyed do most of their banking online. 35 percent of the participants use online banking on their computer or laptop and 21 percent use their mobile phone or iPad to do so. A quarter of those surveyed (25 percent), on the other hand, prefer to go to the bank counter in the branch. 13 percent go to their bank, but prefer their bank’s self-service machines for transfers and other services.

Affinity for online banking decreases with age

According to the BdB, the proportion of those who primarily do banking on the go is particularly high in the 18 to 29 age group at 48 percent. However, this proportion decreases with increasing age. Only 5 percent of those over 60 use mobile banking. In the 30 to 59 age group, online banking comes first, used by 40 percent of those surveyed. In contrast, 45 percent of seniors over the age of 60 prefer going to the bank branch to do their financial business.

Safety is the most important criterion for many

The survey shows that safety is the top priority for most of the respondents. 84 percent stated that they chose the channel for completing banking transactions based on their sense of security. For 75 percent, quick and easy use is important. The costs only play an important role for 61 percent of the participants. The same applies to personal contact with bank employees, which only 41 percent consider important. In addition, the subject of safety was examined in more detail. More than 60 percent of those surveyed classify online banking as secure or very secure. 30 percent have concerns in this regard. Other studies such as those by ti&m come to similar conclusions.

M. Wieser / Editor

Image sources: OrthsMedienGmbH /, Stokkete /
