Survey: Migration is by far the most important issue for citizens

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to ARD’s “Deutschlandtrend”, the topic of immigration and flight is by far what concerns Germans the most at the moment. In the survey conducted by the Infratest-dimap Institute for the ARD “Morgenmagazin”, 44 percent said that they believe this is the most important problem that politicians need to address as a matter of priority. Far behind at 18 percent, the area of ​​armed conflicts/peace/foreign policy follows in second place.

Other topics such as pensions/old-age security (13 percent), the economy (11 percent) and inflation as well as taxes (10 percent each) play a less important role for the 1,203 eligible voters surveyed. Other priorities that were described as important in the past were pushed far into the background this week: the issue of environmental protection/climate change was only named as the most urgent by 1 percent of those surveyed. The topics of wages and social injustice were weighted slightly higher (3 percent each)./and/DP/he
