Survey: Greens nationwide only at 13 percent

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – According to a survey, the Greens, who are co-governing in the traffic light coalition, have continued to lose approval nationwide. According to “Deutschlandtrend” in the ARD “Morgenmagazin”, if the Bundestag elections were to be held next Sunday, the party would only get 13 percent of the votes and thus 1 percentage point less than the mood picture of two weeks ago. In the Sunday question, this result was the worst for the Greens in more than five years.

According to the survey, the Union, which is not currently co-governing, would remain the strongest with 28 percent. The right-wing populist AfD would defend its result of 20 percent. The governing parties SPD and FDP could also maintain their approval ratings of 18 and 7 percent respectively. The left would continue to land at four percent and not move into the Bundestag./jon/DP/stw
