Survey: Every second person saves energy

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – A little more than half of the people in Germany are currently saving energy in order to prepare for a possible energy shortage in the coming months. This is the result of a representative survey by the opinion research institute Civey for “Business Insider”. Accordingly, 54.2 percent of those surveyed stated that they were already saving energy, while 35.9 percent denied this. Almost ten percent (9.9) answered “undecided”.

According to the survey, young people in particular tend to save little energy. Only 38.2 percent of 18 to 29 year olds said they were more economical. For those over 65, the figure was 63.3 percent.

As the survey also shows, every third person is worried about not being able to pay their gas and electricity bills at the end of the year. 32.1 percent stated that they were “yes, definitely” or “rather yes” worried, almost 60 percent (58.9) were not or rather not. Nine percent are undecided here too./red/DP/nas
