Supplementary pension and meal vouchers most often awarded extra wage benefits | Work

The second pension pillar and meal vouchers are the most often granted extra wage benefits in the private sector in our country. This is apparent from a study by the RSZ, based on data from 2019 and 2020. The value of all conditions together is estimated at 10 billion euros, of which the second pension pillar – the supplementary pension – and the meal vouchers account for more than half. to take.

The second pension pillar and meal vouchers are used by 80 and 70 percent of employees respectively. This is followed by the ecocheques and the employer’s contribution for home-work trips with their own car, both of which occur in half of the employees.

In total, the value of all benefits is estimated at 10 billion euros, of which the second pension pillar (about 4.5 billion euros), meal vouchers (2.3 billion euros), stock options (1.2 billion euros) and the private use of the company car. (benefit in kind estimated at 1 billion euros) are the largest.

More than 600,000 wage earners

The study by the RSZ was awarded to the social secretariat SD Worx. It is based on a sample of more than 600,000 wage earners aged 18 to 65 with an open-ended contract. In this way, the wage data of approximately 25 percent of the total private wage earner population comes into the picture.

The RSZ warns that the total value of benefits does not necessarily amount to net benefits for the employee. After all, some of the benefits are subject to social deductions and taxes are due. Often the value of a certain benefit does not reflect the actual value, but a lump sum that serves as the basis for the calculation of the contributions and/or taxes due. In addition, the different amounts are also subject to different charges.
