Superyacht Roman Abramovitsj arrived in Turks vakantieoord Bodrum

Via available websites as MarineTraffic and VesselFinder, the locations of schepen bijhouden, what al een hele week te volgen hoe het schip een zuidwaarts traject volgde in de Middellandse Zee. A week passed by Montenegro, by following Italy and Greece in the direction of Turkije te Varen. It was only on March 8th that it was dry from a shipyard in Barcelona, ​​because the production was done there.

The monitoring of what Abramovich said to be a super yacht in the wild waters – in a land where it was not meant to be known for the name of the ship. Turkije tracht as Navo-land te bemiddelen tussen Moscow and Kiev. He refused to follow the Westerse sancties of Russia.

The superyacht ‘My Solaris’ is still a year in use. Abramovitsj betaalde 496 miljoen euro for the 140 meter long boat with eight verdiepingen, a double pool, spa, beach club and helicopter platform.

According to Reuters, he never knows that Abramovitsj zelf aanwezig is on the boat. Last week the military air van from Istanbul to Moscow was flown with a private jet. A word from Abramovitsj reporterde not from a request from Reuters.

The super yacht ‘My Solaris’.Beeld ANP/EPA

Two superyacht op komst

The superyacht ‘Eclipse’, another boat of the Russian military air, is still moving. Hetvaart eveneens Zuidwaarts in the Middellandse Zee and bevindt zich volgens MarineTraffic also in the building van de Turkse kust.

On the sea in France, Germany and Italy, the Russian oligarchs took control of the disappearing superyachts. Met de sancties wil de Europese Unie rijke zakenlieden rond president Poetin punish voor de oorlog in Oekraïne.

The super yacht 'Eclipse'.  Beeld REUTERS

The super yacht ‘Eclipse’.Beeld REUTERS
