Supervisors wad tours and solo runners must attend a course

Supervisors of nature-educational tours on the Wad and solo runners are obliged to follow a course about the vicissitudes of the Wad and to complete it successfully.

This regulation will be included in the new Wadloop regulation of the provinces of Groningen, Friesland and Noord-Holland. The compulsory course will apply to new supervisors, not to those who are already active.

The course is being developed by the three provinces in collaboration with some experienced mudflat walkers.

Great responsibility

There are currently no regulations for these supervisors of nature-educational Wadden Sea tours, while these people have a great responsibility, according to the provinces and the Safety Advisory Committee for Wadlopen. According to these authorities, it is also important for solo runners to have knowledge about the Wad.

Wadloop guides

Following a course does not apply to the mudflat walking guides. They have had to pass an exam for as long as the mudflats have existed before they are allowed to enter the mudflats in groups.
