Superstar rages against Holmenkollen: “Should be blown up”

The second individual competition at the legendary Holmenkollen in Oslo was extremely disappointing for Kamil Stoch. After a good first round, the Polish ski jumping legend fell in the second round. After the competition, the 35-year-old vented his frustration and shot at both the jury and the Holmenkollbakken.

After the first round, everything was fine for Kamil Stoch on Sunday. The Polish ski jumping veteran flew up to 124.5 meters and was only about ten points behind the leader at half-time. In the second round, however, the 35-year-old experienced a small debacle. Stoch landed after 119.5 meters and fell down to 19th place in the classification.

In his eyes, Stoch didn’t actually do much wrong in the final round. “Maybe the jump wasn’t perfect, but in my opinion it was better than the first one. What happened in the air was just not fair,” the Pole complained in the “Eurosport” interview, among other things about the jury who chose him in his perception, if the tailwind was too strong, let it start.

Ski jump at Holmenkollen “should be blown up”

“I deserved more than 19th place and I’m really disappointed with what happened,” said the Pole, who has suffered this fate at Holmenkollen several times in the past. Stoch was annoyed that it was neither the first nor the last time that he was blown away by the wind in Oslo: “Although I do hope that it was the last time here.”

At Holmenkollen there are more air pockets on the slope than anywhere else, complained the veteran who dealt with the hill mercilessly. “This hill is just tragic. It was supposed to be blown up. And I’m only too happy to deliver the explosives,” said the Pole jokingly.

Halvor Egner Granerud also agreed with Stoch in his assessment of the hill. The Norwegian superstar also knows how complicated jumping at Holmenkollen can be. “When you’re in the air, you feel resistance. But it sometimes disappears. It feels like turbulence on an airplane. That happens a lot at Holmenkollen,” explained Granerud.
