SuperOkay, the platform to collaborate more effectively with its customers

Setting up a client project requires sending numerous e-mails and conducting multiple meetings. With each new document, a message must be rewritten. It is necessary to call each other several times to find out how a campaign is progressing or the actions implemented. So many actions that waste a lot of time and productivity, both on the side of the agency or the freelancer and of the client.

However, there are now tools like SuperOkay that facilitate communication between the two stakeholders and the organization of a project. From a single interface, everyone can indicate the progress of their tasks, add documents and note comments.

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Create a personalized dashboard for each client

First of all, you have to go through the usual procedure: creating an account. This involves entering the name of your company (or simply your name if you are a freelancer) and choosing a domain name for your platform and indicating the area in which you operate. This can be for example digital marketing, SEO, web development, design or branding.

It is then necessary to enter its first customer to the platform by clicking on the button “Add new customer”. It is then necessary to add several essential elements to the construction of its dashboard, such as its name and its logo. SuperOkay even offers the possibility to modify the interface by choosing colors that correspond to the brand identity of its client, for example blue and yellow for IKEA. In this way, as soon as the company connects in turn, it accesses a personalized and ergonomic platform. This allows you to quickly make a good impression.

Then comes the step of building the dashboard. You can put as many blocks as you want. In particular, it may be wise to add one for ongoing projects, another for important documents (texts like images) and a to do list to collaborate more effectively. In this way, everyone can access crucial information in a few clicks, without having to search their mailbox or organize a meeting for each question. Note that SuperOkay offers various integrations, including Figma, Google Drive, Trello, Dropbox and Canva.

At the moment, the tool is offered at the price of $69 for life instead of $360. This offer gives the possibility to work on as many projects as you wish. However, only one employee can access the dashboard. In case a whole team needs to work on the same interface, there is another license.

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