Supermoon over Zoetermeer: ​​weather conditions, times and photo tips

On Wednesday 13 July 2022 we will see a super moon in Zoetermeer for the last time this year. Where do you view this phenomenon in Zoetermeer and how do you take a good photo of the supermoon?

Bart Stolte is chairman of the Observatory in Rijswijk. He explains: “The moon is closer to the earth a few times a year, including on Wednesday 13 July. That’s because the moon’s orbit around the Earth isn’t perfectly round.”

Favorable weather conditions in Zoetermeer

The supermoon is closest to Earth on Wednesday at 8:38 p.m., so this is just before sunset. The sun sets that day around 9:55 PM and the moon rises at 10:30 PM. The supermoon can only be seen after sunset.

The weather will be clear on Wednesday evening. The chance of clouds is a maximum of 30 percent, so is on Weatheronline to read. The temperature is between 14 degrees in the north and 18 degrees in the south, so it is pleasant weather to view the moon.

Here in Zoetermeer you take the perfect instagram photo

Have you always wanted to take a nice picture of such a supermoon? This is the perfect evening because of the clear sky. Bart has tips for capturing the supermoon of July 13 beautifully.

“The full moon is most beautiful when it is just above the horizon and the buildings. That is on Wednesday evening around 10.30 pm, says Bart. “The moon will then rise in the east. It is a beautiful picture if you have the moon as a background at the skyline of Zoetermeer. Then you notice how big she is.”

Good locations to capture the moon with the skyline of Zoetermeer are, for example, the Buytenpark or the Zoetermeerse Plas. Get out on the water, for example on a sup board, and watch the supermoon slowly emerge.

Fun fact: actually such a big moon is an optical illusion. Even though the moon is closer to Earth on July 13, the difference is almost invisible to the naked eye. This is the last supermoon we will see for a while. You won’t see the next one until August 1, 2023.

The moon is so much closer

When the Moon is closest to Earth, it is 363,345 kilometers from Earth. The furthest away is 405,500 kilometers. To be precise, the moon will be 363,666 kilometers away from Earth on Wednesday evening. The previous supermoon was even closer to Earth. Zoetermeerders took beautiful pictures of it.

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