Supermarkets aren’t worried about stock yet

The blockades at the distribution centers of Jumbo in Beilen and Coop in Gieten have not yet caused panic at the supermarkets in Drenthe, according to a tour of RTV Drenthe.

Several Jumbo stores would receive freight, which has not happened so far. “But there are no empty shelves yet. If you don’t get anything for a day, it is still manageable,” reports the Jumbo in Beilen.

“We can move forward with the current stock for a while,” agrees an employee of Jumbo Vinke in Westerbork. “The shelves are still stocked, so don’t panic.” Some Jumbo branches had not even foreseen delivery at all this morning, such as the one near the Industrieweg in Assen. “There is no problem with us yet.”

At the Coop stores in our province, the shelves are ‘just’ full, confirm the two Coops in Zuidlaren, among others. “It’s just a Monday for us, because today we wouldn’t get a delivery.”

The other location, on Schipborgerweg, received freight from the distribution center in Deventer yesterday. “We can go on for a while, we’re not worried, although this shouldn’t take too long. Tomorrow we should get freight from Gieten, I’m very curious about that. Although I don’t want to talk about empty shelves, that’s still really too big a word.”

RTV Drenthe reporter Serge Vinkenvleugel about the situation at the Coop distribution center in Gieten:
