Supermarket or brothel? This is how carnival was celebrated in Poelgilderdam

Most people know it as Kudelstaart, but this week the village in the lee of Aalsmeer is called ‘Poelgilderdam’. It’s carnival and that means: parties, beer and this year also a difficult dilemma. Because do the Kudelstaarters want a second supermarket or a brothel?

A young group of Kudelstaarters has raised this issue. Born and raised Kudelstaarter Bink proudly shows the busty ladies who may soon work in the brothel. “The elderly want a second supermarket here, but the young people actually want a brothel,” he says, laughing.

Because that plan had difficulty getting through, the young Kudelstaarters decided to build a brothel themselves. It took part in the carnival parade on Sunday and put a big smile on the faces of fellow villagers who were watching along the road. The fun action is characteristic of carnival: participants have been playing pranks on each other and fellow villagers for weeks.

Prince Carnival Auke Maarse thoroughly enjoyed it. The pedigree Kudelstaarter was already a youth prince in 1990, but this year he can finally hold the highest position. “The great thing about carnival here is that it is for everyone,” he explains to NH. For example, a party for people with disabilities was organized earlier this week and it will be the seniors’ turn on Tuesday.

The youth in Kudelstaart are taught it from a young age, because often the entire family has been participating for years. The van den Bergen family, for example: father Peter has a cart with friends, but his wife, son and two daughters also participate. “Everyone on their own cart,” he says. “It’s very nice. Everyone knows each other.”

Yet reporter Celine Sulsters notes that there are some tensions. When the award ceremony comes up, it becomes clear why: “I have the most beautiful cart,” all family members shout in unison.

Whole region

Carnival in Poelgilderdam is no longer just for Kudelstaarters. Participants from all over the region now ride along in a cart. “They come from Aalsmeer and De Hoef, for example,” says Auke. “And Kwakelaars build their cart from it The Kwakel fair often just to.”
