Superlega, Juve: “Discussion with Barca and Real about exit. From UEFA…”

The club after the rumors: “A communication was sent to Barcelona and Real Madrid. The reconstructions on sanctions against us are not true”

F. Della Valle – FM Ricci

The indiscretion came from Spain in mid-afternoon and was confirmed by Juventus with a press release in the evening: the Turin club is thinking of leaving the Super League and has communicated the matter to Real Madrid and Barcelona. In Madrid they are convinced that Juventus will leave the Superlega, the press release still leaves a glimmer of open, linked to the dialogue between the parties.


“With reference to the rumors that appeared in today’s press, Juventus informs that it has sent a communication to the other two clubs which, like Juventus, have not exercised their withdrawal from the Super League Project (Football Club Barcelona and Real Madrid Club de Futbol) in order to start a period of discussion between the three clubs concerning the possible exit of Juventus from the Super League Project. The Company will proceed with any communications due pursuant to the law following the outcome of the discussions and assessments regarding the foregoing, specifying that many of the reconstructions reported by the press regarding the contents of the communication (including any reference to alleged threats of possible sanctions by of UEFA) are not true. For more information on the Super League Project, please refer to the press releases issued by the Company on 19 April and 21 April 2021”.


The second part of the Juventus press release refers to what was written in Spain: the position of A22, the company that manages the Superlega project, was recorded in various local media, indignant because it believes that Juventus’ decision was generated by pressure exerted by of UEFA. Something categorically denied by the Turin company.


And on the Superlega issue, it should be remembered that the verdict of the European Court of Justice should also arrive shortly, which from Luxembourg will have to decide on the accusation made by the three clubs remaining in the project against Fifa and Uefa for illegal monopoly. So far, the advocate general of the European Court of Justice Athanasios Rantos called upon to give a non-binding opinion on the matter has expressed a fairly strong opinion firmly in favor of UEFA and the European sporting model, but the definitive sentence is still missing.
