Superheroes of American show wrestling conquer Beverwijk

Last night Beverwijk was able to meet the superheroes of American show wrestling. Poppodium Toos transformed into a battleground for this theatrical spectacle. According to organizer Rico Meijer, this was just a taste of what is to come. “My mission is to make wrestling great in the Netherlands.”

Photo: Jackie, SheHulk – Publicity photo

American show wrestling produced illustrious names such as Hulk Hogan, The Rock and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. This spectacle has now also gained a foothold in Europe. It is a spectacle in which both men and women participate, which is why the so-called SheHulk came to Beverwijk.

Watch the video that reporter Henk Tijbosch made here. Text continues below the video.

American show wrestling – NH News

“It is an ancient story about evil versus good with real heroes, villains, a good dose of drama topped off with impressive stunt work,” Meijer explains. “You are watching a live soap where things happen, where people’s psyche is played with. We really take people on a roller coaster ride.”

Meijer hopes to raise awareness of the sport. “I want it to become normal that you see this at a fair. It all seems fake, but GTST is not real either. And how many people watch it every evening? People need theater and drama!”
