Superfan is proud that Max Verstappen is world champion after confusing race

His Max Verstappen camper has stood next to the circuit no fewer than nine times this season to encourage the driver. But this weekend Bas van Bodegraven from Tilburg was at home in front of the TV for the race in Japan. He saw how Verstappen became world champion after a confusing race. “First yes, then not and then anyway. Confusion everywhere”, says a proud super fan.

The scoring for the final result of the race caused uncertainty. According to almost the whole world, Verstappen was still one point short of being crowned world champion in Japan. Only the organization (FIA) announced that he became world champion for the second time. As it turned out: the FIA ​​calculated with whole points, the rest of the world only with half. The rules could be read differently and that resulted in a different result.

“Next year also more often outside Europe.”

At all races in Europe Bas was present with his camper to encourage Verstappen towards this championship. “Nine pieces, this year the GP in Abu Dhabi will also be added. It will be less exciting than last year, but still fun.” And whether the camper also goes with you? “No, that’s just a bit too far away,” says Bas with a laugh.

Also next season Bas knows that he will be present at many races. “Next year also more often outside Europe”, says the superfan proudly. “We are also going to watch the races in Miami and Canada.” But the camper will not be seen there. “It is doable, in theory, to go there by camper. That is very expensive, so we’re not going to do that.

“I also fell asleep then, but woke up on time.”

The race in Japan started on Sunday morning at seven o’clock Dutch time. It was an early morning for Bas and all other Verstappen fans. The race was also temporarily halted due to the rain that fell. “I fell asleep then, but woke up in time for the raced laps,” says Bas with a laugh.

There are still four races to go this season, but Max Verstappen is so far ahead that he can no longer be overtaken. “Max has shown all season how dominant he is and that he is really the best. More than right that he is already world champion.”

ALSO READ: Max Verstappen super fans travel through half of Europe: ‘Imola, here we come!’
