Super fans Jan and Bart in Albania to see Feyenoord win the cup

The 74-year-old Jan Corsten from Mariahout has already made a few European finals as a Feyenoord supporter. A new chapter will be added on Wednesday evening. Jan and his son Bart are in Tirana at the final of the Conference League. “It’s great that we are finally back in such a big final and that we can be there!”

Written by

Luke van Grinsven

According to Jan Corsten, Mariahout has only nine Feyenoord supporters. In the village, Jan and Bart are known for their great love for the Rotterdam club. “Are you also going to Albania?”, was often asked this week by fellow villagers. “Of course we are going to Albania”, the proud Jan told them.

Jan has been Feyenoord in heart and soul all his life. He was in the stands for many matches. He also followed his club in the semifinals in Marseille. On Wednesday evening, the 74-year-old fan is in the stadium in Tirana and he is looking forward to it: “In Albania they even made it a national holiday so I assume it will be fun.”

“Then we take the cup to Mariahout.”

Feyenoord will face AS Roma in the Conference League final. José Mourinho is the trainer of the Italian club, he is known for his anti-football: “Mourinho can do what he wants, but in the end the players on the field have to show it”, Jan knows from experience.

The fan from Mariahout trusts in a good outcome for the Rotterdam club: “I hope Feyenoord strike in the first fifteen minutes so that they force AS Roma to also play forward. Then we will see a completely different match and then we will take the cup to Mariahout.”
