Sunscreens for children: the best and the rules for safe exposure

No.not to do terrorism, but when it comes to sun glasses for children it should be remembered that the sunburn in children they are fertile ground to develop skin problems, even serious ones, in the course of life. The solution is there: raise awareness among parents because they use common sense, as well as secure, specific photorptezioniwith criterion.

Sun care products for children: keep an eye on the first three years

Up to one year of age there is no production of melanin and this increases the risk of both burns, even severe ones, and heat exhaustion. Gradually the ability is refined but the skin continues to be thinner than that of the adult, with a reduced barrier effect. Generally, better to wait three years before exposing the baby to the sun” explains Aurora Garré, Isdin medical marketing manager.

In the sun, be careful to protect the whole family (Instagram / @ kimkardashian)

The basic rules for children’s sun protection

Yes to the rays then, but with all the necessary precautions. Starting from the SPF, which must never drop below 50especially in the mountains and even under an umbrella, be water resistant, without perfume and allergens.

The newest formulas they resist water up to 80 minutesare anti-sweat, anti-salt and anti-chlorine, and keep hydration constant, especially in infants prone to dehydration.

The association with spray waters to be sprayed before the sun on the face and body will refresh, avoiding heat stroke. No mandatory, of course, at the most insidious time slot, than for under 6 is extended from 10 to 16. Yes, instead, to T-shirts, caps and glasses.

Which sun formulas are best for babies?

On the choice of filter, physical or chemical?, free field. “THE first courses are used preferably in infants or in case of known allergy to the others. The limit is in cosmetic comfort, but the new formulas know how to minimize the whitish patina »continues Garré.

Sunscreens for children: the textures that children like

Subjective is also the choice of texture.In children of school age they are used spray formats to encourage them to apply them themselves »closes the expert.

They like it because they do not grease and do not stickbut at least the first few days avoid transparent ones and prefer thicker textures, so as not to run the risk of leaving parts uncovered, applying generously on the face and body. The most important tip? Never let your guard down.

How often to reapply the sunscreen to children

The frequency of application does not change compared to that of adults: every two hours if there is direct exposure or if the child is doing outdoor activities, anticipating in case of sweating or bath.

