Sunniest start of June in over eighty years, but not in the Noordkop

It will not have escaped anyone’s attention that June has started sunny. Nationally, it is even the sunniest start of the meteorological summer in more than eighty years, but that does not apply to the Noordkop. Since the measurements began, it has happened twelve times that the sun shone more exuberantly during the first ten days of June than this June.

Den Helder comes on an annual basis arranged as the sunniest or one of the sunniest Dutch places from the bus. Nevertheless, the sun was hard to find in the naval city during the first days of this month, so that the number of hours of sunshine in Den Helder and the surrounding area was limited to 109. “In the north, the clouds lingered longer,” says NH weatherman Jan Visser.

This was also the case on Texel and other Wadden Islands, where the mercury rose much more gradually than in the rest of the country. On some days it was even ten degrees cooler in the north than in Maastricht.

Only sunnier in 1939

By way of comparison: in De Bilt – the national benchmark for the weather in the Netherlands – the sun shone for 121 hours in the first ten days of June. With that, the ‘first decade of June’ of 2023 will go down in the books as one of the sunniest in history. Only in 1939 was the beginning of June even sunnier: then meteorologists counted 139 hours of sunshine in De Bilt.

The clouds that ‘plagued’ the Noordkop during the first days of the month dissolved after a few days, so that it is now full summer in that region as well.

Nevertheless, with Den Helder with 26.7 degrees, it is still three degrees cooler than in Amsterdam, where the mercury dropped just below 30 degrees today.

Summer prospect

Tomorrow it will still be summery throughout the country, with maximum temperatures of around thirty degrees in North Holland. However, the differences will be slightly greater due to a northwest wind, which will provide some pleasant cooling, especially along the coast.

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