Sunbeds prohibited under 18 years: new confirmations for the risk of cancer

THE tanning beds, we know, are harmful to health as the rays used fall into the category of carcinogens. Thanks to research, more and more evidence is accumulating on how i UV rays damage our DNA. Many countries have taken steps to restrict the use of tanning beds and Italy are prohibited for under 18s.

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Melanoma: everything you need to know

Melanoma: everything you need to know


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Because UV sunbeds can cause cancer

To deepen the knowledge is a recent study of biochemistry, which appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienceswhich shows how UV rays act on transcription factors, which end up choosing the wrong target, and interfere with DNA repair mechanisms, leading to an accumulation of mutations and so contributing to the pathogenesis of cancer.

The positive effects of the sun if well protected

Although correct exposure to sunlight has several positive effects, such as that of stimulate the production of vitamin DUVA and UVB ultraviolet rays contribute to the formation of skin tumors. The Melanoma is one of the leading cancers at a young age: in Italy it is the third most frequent under the age of 50 and is the tumor that, in the world, has recorded the greatest increase in the last sixty years.

Sunbeds, skin cancer and melanoma: an exponential increase

According to the WHO, excessive exposure to UV rays in 2020 caused about 1.2 million new cases of non-melanoma skin cancers and 325,000 skin melanomas, 64,000 premature deaths from non-melanoma and 57,000 from skin melanomas. As for Italy, the SIDeMaST Italian Society of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases estimates that the incidence rate of melanoma, estimated at 15 new cases per year for every 100,000 inhabitants, could also be about double, therefore 30 new cases for every 100,000, and for non-melanoma people, the number of diagnoses can even reach a number 20 times greater than those diagnosed which are 119 cases in men and 90 in women for every 100,000 inhabitants.

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The consequences of incorrect exposure to UV rays

According to the WHO, the increase would be also to be traced back to the practice of artificial tanning: thedeliberate exposure and for cosmetic purposes to ultraviolet radiation of tanning lamps has not only increased the incidence of tumors but it also lowered the age of their occurrence. Again according to WHO, the consequences of artificial tanning will be visible in the years to come.

To know more

To stay up to date on the latest health news, visit the Online magazines Of Umberto Veronesi Foundation.


The article Sunbeds banned under 18: new confirmations for cancer risk seems to be the first on iO Donna.
