Sun spots on the skin, how to recognize and erase them

Lmain cause of appearance of sun spots on the skin? Clearly, the sun, although there are exceptions. Noon is Alone essential to prevent them but also to recognize them and know how to treat them with the correct skincare routine.

Sun spots on the skin are not all the same. How to recognize them

First of all, sunspots are not a pathology but a skin blemish which in some moments of the year, such as summer, are more evident.

Furthermore, there are sunspots and sunspots: «It is necessary to distinguish the solar lentigosround-shaped dark yellow to brown specks that appear on the most photo-exposed areas following a excessive sunbathingcome on melasma and chloasma» explains the doctor Claudia Casulispecialist in dermatology at the Santa Maria di Bari hospital.

«Usually these occur frequently in those who take drugs, follow hormonal therapy or during pregnancy: their appearance is due to reaction of female hormones under the influence of solar radiation leading to an overproduction of melanin.

Spots and solar lentigo also affect celebs; Halsey, Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid (Instagram)

From these spots differ the frecklessmall, evident above all on light skins and which appear in summer, and the irritation spots, usually dark and caused, for example, by waxing just before going out to the beach.

The whole body is prone to sun spots on the skin

As the dermatologist explains, the spots tend to appear on face, hands, décolleté and neck, the most prone areas because they are most exposed in summer, but can affect the whole body: «The lighter phototypes, 1 and 2, are the most predisposed. THEIn reality, sunspots can appear on everyone, especially if they are caused by taking particular medicines or by “wild” and excessive exposure to the sun».

Another feature of them is that they don’t have an age limit, although 60 usually represents a turning point: in general, and especially if you have been sunburned a lot in the past, at this age you have run out of “solar capital”, a sort of endogenous timer that indicates exposure to the sun without consequences.

How to prepare your skin for the sun

What to do if the spots are already evident?

Even if it’s not full summer yet, discolorations may already have appeared or be a reminder of past summers. In this case it is essential to act with one correct skincare routine based on exfoliating products and lightening creams.

“First of all, it must be done accurate cleansing morning and evening with lightly exfoliating products such as scrubs that remove the most superficial epidermal layer. In this way the skin is ready for subsequent exposure to the sun, guaranteeing a more homogeneous production of melanin» explains the expert.

«If the stains are inherited from previous seasons, and are therefore persistent, they can be used after cleansing moisturizers that contain brightening molecules such as kojic or azelaic acid. In this case, in the morning it will be necessary to protect the skin with a high sun filter while in the evening a more moisturizing, nourishing and soothing product can be used».

Fundamental is then protect the skin from UV rays by applying broad-spectrum sunscreenspreferably with SPF50, and never under SPF30, remembering to apply them also on often neglected areas such as armpits, ears, bikini line and buttocks.

Supplements yes, perfumes no: do’s and don’ts in case of sun spots

Not just skincare routines. To reduce the appearance of spots, supplements can also be introduced: «It may be useful to assist the activity of the sunscreen with supplements based on antioxidants that can reduce the penetration of solar radiation, as well as acting on the uneven production or hyperproduction of melanin. In addition, you can opt for one in the summer diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene such as carrots, melons and in general all orange fruit and vegetables».

As the expert continues, it is essential to remember that «in case of hyperpigmentation linked to some drugs, it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight during the period of usejust as it is advisable to avoid exposure after applying perfumed fragrances and creams to the skin, due to their photosensitizing effect» concludes the doctor.

