Sun, rain or snow: this is the weather forecast for the winter in Zoetermeer

Will it freeze or will we have a mild winter in Zoetermeer? Jaco van Wezel, meteorologist at WeerOnline.nllooks ahead: “According to the weather models, we are heading into a fairly mild, gloomy and wet winter.”

That sounds like good news for our gas bill, but Jaco does make a comment: “Seasonal models purely sketch a rough trend for the monthly average air pressure, temperature and precipitation. Even an averagely mild month can easily have a cold week and vice versa.”

Another important note: The reliability of seasonal models is limited. Monthly and seasonal forecasts come true about 60 percent of the time. By comparison, the forecast for five days ahead comes true 90 percent of the time.

December weather forecast

Jaco: “After a very mild and wet autumn, there will be a transition to less wet weather at the beginning of December, but that does not mean that it will remain dry. December is the second wettest month of the year and the month in which it rains the most hours (13 percent of the time). This means quite a few showers and rain zones.” Hopefully it will remain dry during candlelight evening or the laser show during New Year’s Eve.

According to Jaco, the weather models show temperatures that are ‘clearly higher than the average 7 degrees in December’. However, it can freeze during clear, windless nights and fog can easily form.

January weather forecast

We can also prepare for a wet month in Zoetermeer in January. Jaco: “The influence of low-pressure areas is great and that causes numerous rain zones and showers that move across the country.”

“It is usually quite mild, especially because the nights are often cloudy and mild. But a combination of wind, rain and maximum temperatures around the average of 6 degrees quickly make it very cold. And if we temporarily end up in colder air, precipitation can suddenly fall as snow.”

February weather forecast

According to Jaco, the last month of winter is still difficult to predict at the moment. “The signals for February are comparable to January, but the uncertainty in the weather models is enormous. In that respect, winter enthusiasts should mainly pin their hopes on the last winter month, when the weather can still go in any direction.” Would we still be able to skate at Nieuwe Driemanspolder or can we only slide on the Silverdome ice rink?

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