sun and no rain! It stays warm in Berlin

A woman lies on the Landwehr Canal in the spring sun

A woman lies on the Landwehr Canal in the spring sun Photo: dpa picture radio

From BZ/dpa

Temperatures will drop a little in Berlin and Brandenburg on Tuesday – but it will remain warm.

As the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Tuesday, the maximum values ​​are between 22 and 24 degrees, in western Brandenburg between 24 and 27 degrees and in Berlin around 25 degrees. The sun shines during the day, only in the afternoon and evening do clouds appear locally. There is no rain, only in the Neisse region there are showers.

On Wednesday night it will remain dry with few clouds and 12 to 8 degrees. Sun and clouds alternate on Wednesday, rain falls locally in southern Brandenburg. Temperatures reach 22 to 26 degrees.

According to the DWD, Thursday night will be cloudy, with some rain in eastern Brandenburg. The temperatures drop to 13 to 9 degrees. On Thursday the sun will occasionally appear between the clouds at 22 to 26 degrees. There will be local showers and the meteorologists expect isolated thunderstorms in the afternoon.


Berlin weather Summer in Berlin weather
