Sun and eyes, how to protect them in summer from seasonal damage

P.For the eyes, summer is not the best season: blinding sun, wind, salt and sand but also air conditioning can irritate them or dry up the lacrimal mucosa. Complex and delicate, the eyes also need special care and attention during this period: «Often underestimated, thesun exposure without eye rules can have very serious consequencesincluding serious diseases, which can be prevented by adopting the appropriate protections “explains the Dr. Franco Spedale, Director of the Departmental Ophthalmology Unit of theChiari Hospital ASST Franciacortaconsulted by Ziess Vision Carea leading company in the optics sector.

Sun and eyes, the possible damage caused by UV rays

The main problems that the eyes face in the summer are caused by the many outdoor activities that put them in contact with more and more intense sunlight, with variations in lighting inside-out and with increased exposure to ultraviolet rays. The latter are among those responsible for any damage to the eyes: “UVB rays cause numerous diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including the eyes. Unfortunately, in fact, the tumors of the orbital region between those of the conjunctiva and of the eyelids are approximately between 5 and 10% of those on the skin. The most frequent are carcinomas but melanomas also have a good percentage ”explains Dr. Spedale.

In particular, these cancers occur more in women and are often underestimated because they are hidden by makeup. Not by chance, as the expert points out, unfortunately in recent years, dangerous cases have increased by 40% and all have had an incorrect exposure to UV rays as the trigger.

Salt water and chlorine, two other enemies of the eye

Not just UV rays though. Salt and chlorine are also insidious for the eyes: “It is often thought that the problem with the sea is mainly represented by the grains of sand. Not only. The problem is also salt water. And not because of its formulation, many optical products use it as a basic ingredient, but for the prolonged exposure due to the many baths in the sea»Explains the expert. Seawater can damage the ocular mucosa in the long run, or even cause discomfort and infections. In particular, “pay attention to those who wear contact lenses: the primary recommendation is to remove them before taking a bath, but if this is not possible, they should be cleaned more often and changed regularly”.

Eye allergy: the decalogue to recognize and treat it

Also not to be underestimated chlorine which being a powerful disinfectant can cause problems if the eyes are directly exposed to the substance: «Among the most common symptoms induced by chlorine we find redness, photophobia, itching and burning, while among the pathologies conjunctivitis and keratitis, all diseases that occur when the tear film is alternated with chlorine. To avoid these problems, small precautions are enough: wear glasses, avoid opening your eyes when underwater, do not wear contact lenses that can become infected ».

How to protect your eyes in the summer

It is always essential to protect your eyes in summer: in the water, with the appropriate masks while outside, sunglasses are necessary and a hat with a visor, to be worn especially in the hottest hours of the day.

Keep in mind that the look it must be protected even when the sky is cloudy because UV rays still pass through the clouds and the intense light of the season bothers you.

Choose the right sunglasses

Choosing the right sunglasses must follow rules. First of all, the larger the sun lens, the more protective it will be towards the retina. Furthermore, if you already have visual defects, it is better to choose prescription lenses.

The color of the lens should also not be underestimated. Dark brown lenses are suitable for nearsighted people while gray-green lenses are perfect for farsighted people. It is also essential to verify that the frame is marked with the CE, as well as technical information such as the category of the solar filter of the lens and the type of filter itself.

Children also need to protect their eyeseven more so if they have clear irises, which is why they also need very high quality lenses while photochromic ones are better for the elderlywhich lighten or darken according to the intensity of the light.

