Summer seems to last longer, with a striking weather turn at the end of the week | Interior

with videoThe heat seems to last longer than expected. With a chance of 30 degrees on Thursday. All other days are also summery this week. At the end of the week we may have to deal with some heavy showers and next weekend with tens of millimeters of rain, as the tail end of the storm that will rage in France.

Simone van Zwien

Latest update:

It’s a downright summer week and it didn’t look like it a few days ago. “The switch to cool summer weather seemed to be taking place around Wednesday, but that is not too bad,” says meteorologist Wouter van Bernebeek from Weather plaza know. ,,We seem to end up a bit deeper in the warm air, especially around Thursday. Those local ‘thirties’ may still come.”

All other days offer afternoon temperatures between 25 and 28 degrees, which means that the number of summer days for this year will increase further. Van Bernebeek: “With this we will soon reach the long-term average number of summer days, because that is 28 in De Bilt (until yesterday there were 27).”

Incidentally, the nights are on the cool side with often 13 to 15 degrees, so we can still get the heat out of the house reasonably well. In addition, some fog banks can sometimes arise during the night hours.

Incredibly hot

In France it will be very hot in the coming days, for example, a temperature of up to 42 degrees is predicted for the Rhône valley on Tuesday. Such intense heat is extremely unusual in France this late in the summer. “Fortunately, that heat does not reach us, but the boundary between the exceptionally warm weather and much cooler ocean air does cause a good portion of instability,” warns the weatherman.

On Thursday it will remain dry in the Netherlands with sunny periods, although showers from France are not excluded. Temperatures rise quickly during the day to 25 to 30 degrees. The chance of a regional tropical day is high for the extreme south of the Netherlands.

Risk of heavy showers

Above Brittany in France, especially on Thursday evening and during the night to Friday, the risk of heavy showers increases, possibly causing nuisance with locally large summer hail and gusts of wind. “This is the starting signal for an episode with significant thunderstorm chances and that is certainly not the first time this summer season over Europe,” said Van Bernebeek. “We will undoubtedly remember the showers in June in France and July in northern Italy near Lake Garda, who made the news with us, not saying, of course, that this situation is comparable to that, because that cannot be said yet.”

But will that storm reach the Netherlands? “Well, that doesn’t seem very likely at the moment. The Netherlands remains just too much under the influence of a high pressure area above Northern Europe, so that the heaviest thunderstorms follow the now well-known route from France to Germany. Nevertheless, there is the option that the very warm moist air will temporarily expand to the Netherlands between Thursday evening and Friday evening, with some heavy showers here as well.”

What is certain is that we will really end up in that cool ocean air. In the course of the coming weekend, this will no longer result in higher temperatures than normal values ​​of 20 to 22 degrees during the day and around 14 degrees at night. “A larger number of showers will follow from the west, which can sometimes be surprisingly active, especially on the coast. That could potentially yield tens of millimeters of rain in coastal areas. Deeper inland it stays dry much more often and quite pleasant with little wind.”

Bathers on the beach of Zandvoort. © ANP
