Summer schools are a success in our province

Summer schools are a success in our province

During the very first edition of summer schools in 2020, there were 18 initiatives in West Flanders, each with small groups of about 10 students. “Last summer, a total of 1,454 students at 26 locations in West Flanders were able to receive support and extra practice in Dutch and mathematics. Schools or local authorities that organize a summer school can count on intervention from the Flemish government,” says the MP.

Corona as a trigger

In a summer school, children and young people follow a tailor-made curriculum for at least ten days to prevent or remedy learning difficulties. The lessons alternate with sports, games and culture. Participation in a summer school is voluntary and free. The summer schools were introduced for the first time during the corona pandemic. “Summer schools are a good initiative, especially for our most vulnerable children,” says Loes Vandromme. “But it is not a cure-all, of course. We reach some of the vulnerable children, but not all. For example, summer schools have not yet taken hold in our rural regions of the province. That is why we argue for extra support in the classroom: during class hours and between the classroom walls,” Vandromme concludes.
