Summer says goodbye with waterspouts along the entire Catalan coast and pre-coast

He summer of the great drought is coming to an end with a storm front that this Friday has discharged with force throughout the Catalan coast. He has done it with special viciousness in the Terres de l’Ebrewhere, after the passage of DANA days ago, they have been registered again floods in municipalities such as L’Ampolla, where some streets have become streams. The rains have also complicated mobility on many roads due to poor visibility and have forced criding the N340 for more than two hours between L’Ampolla and Amposta.

The Servei Català del Trànsit has also issued alerts for poor visibility on the AP7 motorway in the same area. In Deltebre and Sant Jaume d’Enveja classes have been suspended, although the centers have not closed. The L’Ametlla de Mar station (Baix Ebre) has recorded, for example, 102 mm, of which 34.6 mm have fallen in just 30 minutes.

The precipitation, however, has been advancing from south to north throughout the day and, late this afternoon, after dumping in the regions of Barcelona, ​​it rained heavily in the Girona district.

According to the Servei de Meteorologia de Catalunya, in Gironès, the intensification of rain lies in the clash between the east component wind (which blows from the sea) with the north and west component. In the late afternoon, in Vilobí d’Onyar and Santa Coloma de Farners, more than 25 mm were recorded in just 30 minutes.

Alert in Llobregat

Also in the afternoon, Civil Protection has issued a warning that the Llobregat river has exceeded the alert threshold as it passes through Sant Vicenç dels Horts, which is why it has recommended avoiding access to the riverbed, fords and low points. . Until eight in the afternoon, the 112 emergency telephone number has received a total of 421 calls for incidents related to the rains. The majority of emergencies – especially linked to basement flooding, sparking cables, fallen branches and incidents on streets and highways – have been received from the Baix Ebre and Barcelonès regions.

Sailing Cup suspended

The bad weather – this time due to lack of wind – has also forced the suspension of the first scoring regatta of the America’s Cup of sailing, in Vilanova i la Geltrú, where heavy showers have also been recorded. In fact, the storm has also fallen viciously in Barcelona, ​​where a driver has been trapped when he was traveling on Avenir Street when an acacia tree fell on him, presumably due to the storm. The spectacular accident, in which no injuries have been reported, according to the Urban Police, occurred in front of one of the entrances to the Jesuïtes Sant Gervasi school, which has alarmed the family members of the center.

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The Barcelona Firefighters received a warning at 4:55 p.m., when the schoolchildren were preparing to leave the center. Access has been temporarily disabled and the Firefighters have rescued the driver and have cut and cleaned the tree.

Weekend forecast

The Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya predicts that the storm will lose gas during the day on Saturday, which could still register showers, especially in the areas of Barcelona and Girona. On Sunday, in principle, the rains will be limited to the Pyrenees and western Pre-Pyrenees.
