Summer makeup trends

Makeup artist Eevaleena Liedes talks about what the biggest makeup trends are right now.

With makeup artist Eevaleena Liedes’ tips, your makeup stays trendy. Eevaleena Liedes

New winds of makeup trends are blowing and they are especially visible in the make-up base and eyebrows.

Makeup base

There is one trend above the others when it comes to makeup. The make-up base as a whole must be evenly glowing. Makeup artist Eevaleena Liedes however, it says that this by no means means oily or shiny skin.

Currently, the make-up base emphasizes lightness and naturalness. Glow can be sought in a variety of ways using different products. Eevaleena herself prefers creamy products, as they can be used in a much more versatile way than, for example, powdered products.

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The concealer is applied to the outer corner of the eye over the cheekbones towards the temples to create an elevated look.

– These methods can be used to create a streamlined look, Eevaleena says.

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Before, it has been suggested to apply blush to the point that rises the most when smiling. Now blush is better applied to the outer corner of the eye, towards the temporis. In this way, an elevated look is created on the face.

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The make-up artist says that shading is still done, but this is now done with the help of concealer, glow and blush.


The different shades of nude are currently strongly visible on the lips. It is trendy to emphasize the color of your own lips.

Liedes says that the trends of the 1990s and early 2000s are still visible as a gimmick. The trend is characterized, for example, by the delimitation made with a brown pencil.

– The crop and lips can be clearly different colors. It creates a fuller feel, he sums up.

Model Hailey Bieber’s lips can be modeled. All Over Press

The textures are classic matte. This means that the lipstick is applied by clapping the lips. Now the trend is also the complete opposite of a matte look, ie super glossy lips. Also with glosses, you should prefer the nude color world.


The makeup artist says a fairly big change is seen in the eyebrows. For a long time now, the trend has been really bushy and combed corners, but now the narrower corners are trendy.

– I don’t think we’re going to look at it, after all, Eevaleena says.

The thickness disappears and the corners get to be more in their own shape.

– More subdued fashion is on fire. Now the corner gel is brushed in an angle, no longer to the opposite hair, the make-up artist sums up.

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Eye makeup

There are the most freedoms with eye makeup, the makeup artist says. Glitter as well as colorful details are still trendy. Glow and nude shades are also preferred for eye makeup.

– The refractive shades of nude are trendy, the make-up artist sums up.

However, Eevaleena has noticed that now, in addition to the eye border, the border of the inside of the eye can be seen more and more.

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