Summer holidays! The best time of the year belongs to you

The holiday prospects: lots of sun, lots of friends, no school.  It doesn't get any better

The holiday prospects: lots of sun, lots of friends, no school. It doesn’t get any better Photo: Christian Lohse

By Oliver Ohmann

Summer holidays! With that one word, the article could have ended. Because it contains everything that now counts for around 400,000 Berlin schoolchildren.

Six long weeks without school. Only on August 22 does life start to get serious again. Along the way there are testimonials today.

Those who didn’t do quite as well shouldn’t be sad. Everything will be better next school year, right? Sure, of course!

Even then there was great joy.  Last day of school in the summer of 1958, but only a few were able to travel

Even then there was great joy. Last day of school in the summer of 1958, but only a few were able to travel Photo: ullstein bild

Parents shouldn’t judge too harshly either. Corona has also demanded a lot from the students this school year. Homeschooling, masks, canceled class trips. Gyms and toilets haven’t gotten any better either, not to mention the shortage of teachers.

On Wednesday the joy is huge.  Especially when it's the very first summer vacation.  Off on vacation!

On Wednesday the joy is huge. Especially when it’s the very first summer vacation. Off on vacation! Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa

But now enough with the nagging. Dear students, look at the pictures. How happy the Berlin kids were years and decades ago. Cheer up, it’s summer vacation. The best time of the year and it belongs to YOU!


Coronavirus school students summer in Berlin summer holidays vacation
