Summer crowds expected at ‘ t Gasselterveld and ‘ t Nije Hemelriek

Due to the summer temperatures, the recreational lakes ‘t Gasselterveld and ‘t Nije Hemelriek get busy. This is particularly noticeable in the parking lot and the access roads, according to Staatsbosbeheer.

Paid parking has been introduced in the parking lot at the Gasselterveld since April this year. A parking space costs two euros per hour, with a maximum of twelve euros. There is a parking meter at the swimming lake for this. Visitors can also purchase a day ticket for six euros. This is only available through a reservation website.

The parking lot has space for about a thousand cars. There is also an extra area, which is used during extra busy days. Hundreds of cars can be parked there, this may already happen tomorrow. Staatsbosbeheer already knows that it will deploy traffic controllers tomorrow.

Paid parking at ‘t Gasselterveld and ‘t Nije Hemelriek was introduced after the nuisance that arose in previous years. There were traffic jams to the swimming pool due to the people who sought refreshment in one of the recreational lakes. On hot days, sometimes so many people came to enjoy themselves that emergency services had to force their way through illegally parked cars on the roadsides.

Watch our video about the crowds due to the summer weather:
