Summer corona wave has started: 5 questions for virologist Jean-Luc Murk

The number of corona infections and hospital admissions has been rising again for a few weeks. According to the RIVM, we have started a summer corona wave. How is this possible and how much should we really be concerned? We ask five questions about this to medical microbiologist and virologist Jean-Luc Murk of the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg.

With 70 corona patients in hospitals in Brabant, 4 of whom are in intensive care, the corona figures are increasing again. The number of infections is also rising again. How is this possible?
“Due to a combination of factors. In the first place because of new, infectious (omikron) variants, which are rapidly emerging in Europe and now also in the Netherlands. In addition, our immune system is weakening again. For many people it is already six months ago that they had their last vaccine. The defense against the virus is slowly diminishing. That together, leads to a new advance.”

What does this say?
“That the infections and hospital admissions will rise for a while. I do not dare to say how high the peak will be. It is a pity, but we expected it. would rise again in the fall.

This is a cause for concern for vulnerable patients. They have had a fairly calm and carefree period in recent months, but now there are suddenly a lot of contagious people in the area again. It also means extra pressure for hospitals, during the already difficult holiday period. As a result, new backlogs in care will probably arise.”

According to de Volkskrant, the extra booster shot is not very popular among people over 60. 43 percent would have passed this fourth vaccination. What is the effect of this on future infection and admission rates?
“That differs. It will not mean much to people with a good immune system. The same applies if you have recently had corona. But there are also a lot of vulnerable people, for whom it is very different. That is why I recommend everyone to get that booster anyway.”

The numbers of infections and hospital admissions are still relatively small. But according to the RIVM, we are facing a summer wave. Do we have to worry?
“Personally, I don’t think it will get out of hand. A new lockdown, for example, does not seem likely to me. But then a bit of common sense is needed. Think of all the basic rules. Try not to become a risk to others. complaints, stay home, even if you have planned a holiday.”

Employers’ organizations want their supporters to introduce basic rules, such as self-testing and working from home in the event of complaints. Is this necessary?
“That helps to prevent things from getting out of hand. Especially with a view to the shortage in healthcare, it is better to take measures in time. So working from home, testing yourself, keeping your distance…

And the good news: There is basically a nice drug: Paxlovid. That can drastically reduce the number of hospital admissions if given on time. It is already being used in other countries, so I hope it will come to the Netherlands soon. That will certainly help.”

ALSO READ: Start of summer corona wave in hospitals, but it’s quiet on the IC
