Summer centers, for disabled children “there is no place”

No.n the last few weeks the Anti-discrimination Center Franco Bomprezzo di Ledha received il 20% more reports from families who were refused enrollment in the summer camp for their children with disabilities. Often you are not exactly rejected but “simply” invited to pay a fee additional contribution than the fee to be able to take advantage of the specialized support assistant. Or one is proposed reduced frequency o a priori exclusion due to the inadequacy or inaccessibility of spaces or for generic “security issues”. Finally, there are those who accept the child but then ghettoize him.

Summer camps, access is the same for everyone

Both public and private summer camps, managed by municipalities, parishes and sports centers, should be accessible to all. Explains Valentina Tomirottiactivist in the world of disability: «The managing body must adopt all reasonable measures and accommodations necessary to guarantee adequate attendance and participation to those with disabilities on an equal basis with others, also through any figures and / or specialized support assistant, if necessary, without the imposition of any additional burden with respect to the others “.

If they do not, they violate the law (67 of 2006) which establishes the right of those living with a condition of physical, psychological or sensory disability, stabilized or progressive, not to be discriminated against and promotes equal treatment and equal opportunities towards of people with disabilities.

“No, there is no place for you”

For a family and a disabled boy, a door closed in the face this early summer is a punch in the stomach: “Maybe they have built a path of socialization during the year that is abruptly and unjustly interrupted”, explains Valentina Tomirotti.

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The invitation is then to report, by writing to the same Tomirotti or reporting these episodes to Ledha Anti-Discrimination Center: on the website there is a legal form addressed to families and the facsimile of a letter that parents can directly write to the managing bodies of public or private recreational services. Ledha also offers free legal advice to those who, after sending the letter, wish to proceed legally (by writing to [email protected]).

