Summer center bonus, will it also be there in 2022? every year when the end of school approaches, parents start thinking about how to reconcile that period of limbo in which they are still in the office, while their children are no longer busy with lessons in the classroom.

Summer camps bonus

A problem not only of managing the free time of children and young people, but also of an economic type. In fact, the typical preferred option is that of the summer center which, however, is not always within everyone’s reach.

For this reason the Government had been allocating the bonus baby sitting and summer campseconomic resources from the European Social Fund to support families.

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Will there be support this year?

This year, however, as we know, there was a great revolution on the subject: the introduction ofSingle check for minors sent to the attic a whole series of bonuses intended for families, including the Bonus in question. So, to understand if it will also exist for 2022, we will have to wait.

If the government does not take care of it, the regions take care of it

In the meantime, however, local and regional realities are thinking about filling the void. Like, for example, Emilia Romagna, which has decided to support families putting 6 million euros on the plate.

Summer camps bonus: how it works

What they know about the summer camp bonus so far is that the children who can use them are the ones who have from three to 13 years old, or those born between 2009 and 2019 limit. It reaches 17 for children with certified disabilities.

Contributions are also intended for single-parent families and also to those in which one of the two parents or both are on layoffs or unemployed. However, it is necessary to have signed a service agreement and therefore to be included in a project for employment in the world of work or participation in a training course.

The request and requirements

To do the request for the bonusthe presentation of the ISEE model which must have an income value of up to 28 thousand euros per family unit. Obviously there is a list of public, private and affiliated summer centers where families can enroll their children.

At the end a ranking will be drawn up with the list of children eligible to receive the bonus.

