Summer 2022 makeup, TikTok trends according to Beatrice Gherardini

Land makeup trends of summer 2022 come from TikTok: tell us about it Beatrice Gherardiniwith over 1.2M followers, beauty creator most followed in Italy. His first one will be released on July 5th bookAll the secrets of make-up“, and. Mondadori.

Always passionate about beauty, she is part of the “TikTok Generation”, that is to say of all those very young people who have found on the social network a place to experience a new creative language, passion and personality. On his profile it is possible learn from the ABCs of make-up to current trendsas he revealed to us.

Who is Beatrice Gherardini, the most followed beauty TikToker in Italy

My passion for make-up was born when I was very young and watched beauty tutorials on YouTubeI was about 10 years old and from there I started experimenting ».

The book by Beatrice Gherardini “All the tricks of make-up” ed. Mondadori to be released on July 5

«I have always had a strong creativity and I immediately understood that make-up would be my expressive means to tell my personality. Today, I am truly honored to be considered the first Italian TikToker and I am proud to have reached this level. I started my journey almost for fun and I did not believe that sharing my passion would lead me to these results ».

Summer makeup 2022, beauty trends on TikTok: pastel colors

Celebrities and catwalks are not enough to define the trends of the season, even social networks have their impact and TikTok in particular.

“Very true. Indeed una of the trends that we will see more and that are already very popular on social media as regards summer make-up are the pastel eyeshadows. Colors like green, pink, orange and light blue can be used for give free rein to creativity and they also adapt perfectly to both light and dark complexions ».

«Ideal for making delicate or more impactful make-ups, they allow you to experiment: both through graphic lines of eyeliner, both with more impactful and full-eyelid tricks“.

Monochromatic make-up and colored eyeliner

«A high trend that will be highly appreciated is the monochrome make up which consists of choose eye shadows, blushes and lipsticks of the same shades, in order to achieve a very harmonious make-up e ton sur ton “.

Beatrice continues: «As a true lover of gods graphic tricks I can not speak of trend in using colored eyeliner. For the summer we can put aside the classic black and dare with something more particular, like bright and fluo shades“.

How to make a summer makeup

“To get a trendy summer makeup it is essential to know some essential steps. First of all you have to pay attention to skincare, applying moisturizing face cream, eye contour and sunscreen every day.

«At this point you can choose the foundation, which, however, in the summer it is good to prefer with one light and fluid texture so as not to weigh down the skin too much. Subsequently – only if necessary – the concealer is applied: to be spread on the dark circles and a few touches in the central area of ​​the face, to illuminate the complexion ».

Tanning and make up: how to best make up amber skin

Tanning and make up: how to best make up amber skin

«With a soft brush you can also apply a veil of face powder, to fix cream products and eliminate any shiny areas. To give an effect kissed by the sun you can apply a little bit of blush, in pink or orange nuances, on the cheeks and nose, so as to emphasize the tan and a veil of illuminated on the cheekbones »continues Beatrice.

«Finally, abundant waterproof mascara and a luminous gloss on the lipsso as to leave them natural but at the same time making them appear volumized ».

Beauty cases, the must-have products to take on vacation

“Certainly in a summer beauty case can not miss the sun protection. Beauty step to be applied all year round but which, especially in the warmer months, becomes inevitable. There are all types on the market, also to give a homogeneous complexion similar to the effect of a BB Cream, but without greasing ».

“Then I certainly could have packed one face powder, which is indispensable in case of oily skin because it helps to mattify the complexion and eliminate shiny areas ».

In the end must have absolute of the summer is «the mascara, strictly waterproof. In this way we could easily apply it during the hottest days – without fear of it melting – and also at the sea, in such a way as to avoid smudging “he concludes. Beatrice Gherardini.

