Summary: Green Yellow korfball players take the last straw after victory at HKC

Groen Geel has forced a play-off game against HKC. The korfball players from Wormer won 31-28. With a defeat against the club from Hardinxveld-Giessendam, relegation from the Korfbal League was a fact. The best-of-three series will be decided next Tuesday.

Strong start Green Yellow

The Zaan team led halfway through the first half with a large margin of five goals against HKC: 10-5. Despite a hard game, Green Yellow started strong because of Carlo de Vries and Elise Al. The korfball players from Wormer seemed to show more commitment and led 17-11 at halftime. The home team got some air through, among other things, a number of good shots by Terenc Griemink.

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HKC fights back

After the break, the visitors came back from 18-13 to 21-17. Hereafter, things remained extremely exciting, as Groen Geel’s wide margin disappeared and HKC came to one point: 26-25. In the final phase, the penny kept changing. Three minutes before the end, Lisanne de Bruin secured a large margin by scoring 30-26. In the remaining part of the game, the victory was no longer in danger and so the final score was 31-28.

The win makes it 1-1 in the best-of-three series. That is why the decision will be made next Tuesday whether Groen Geel will also be active in the Korfbal League next season.
