Summary and goals of Mirandés


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Rojillos and pepineros did not look at the door in Anduva, giving their goalkeepers little work

Arnaiz and then Nyom were able to seal the goal in the final stretch, but they ran into Herrero

Draw between Mirandés and Leganés in Anduva in a match that seemed very promising at the beginning but in which neither team knew how to put their rivals ahead despite being two teams that needed victory.


SmartBank League





Alfonso Herrero; Juanlu, Alex Martin, Michelis, Barbu, Salinas; Gelabert, Oriol Rey; Roberto López, Pinchi (Álvaro Sanz, 85′) and Raúl García.


Riesgo, Nyom, Jorge Sáenz, Sergio González, Miramón, Dani Raba (Fede Vico, 69′), Undabarrena, Shibasaki (Cissé, 86′), Franquesa, Karrikaburu (Narváez, 81′) and José Arnaiz.


Ávalos Barrera (Catalan). TA: Barbu (39′) and Roberto López (61′) / José Arnaiz (39′).


I walked. 2,500 spectators.

In the end, respect prevailed between both clubs and the slow and predictable rhythm of the game took over the game that had some chances, but none so clear as to end up being the goal of victory, so the goalkeepers, especially Riesgo, They didn’t have much work.

Despite the need, Leganés adds another consecutive 0-0 draw and continues without winning away from home, while Mirandés adds a point that tastes like little in Anduva because it is of no use to escape from the bottom zone of the standings.

Both teams they looked for possession of the ball on the Anduva lawnFirst, Raúl García tried for Mirandés and soon Karrikaburu did the same for Leganés, who began to press to try to take the initiative in the game.

But neither team created danger until minute 20, when Salinas was about to surprise Riesgo, but the play was invalidated for offside.

After a few minutes of boar control, heThe tables were turned and it was the people of Madrid who were able to take the leadbut this was the last of the starts by both teams that began to catch a slow pace of the game.

When the first half was almost over, Dani Raba had the clearest opportunity to put his team ahead, he left Alfonso Herrero sitting out but in the last cut, with an empty goal, Barbu came from behind and cut the ball to avoid the goal.

those of Idiakez they came up and again they were about to surprise the boar goalkeeper with a distant shot from José Arnaiaz in which again the intervention of Herrero was essential to reach the break with a draw on the scoreboard.

After the restart, the two teams had a hard time entering through the middle and no one approached with danger as time passed and each time the game slowed down on the part of the two teams that preferred to demonstrate their defensive solidity instead of trying to go for the game.

Leganés tried it first with Arnaiz and later with Nyom when there was little left in the game but Alfonso Herrero was very serious and bailing out his team.
