Summary and goals of Levante-Elche (3-0) matchday 26


Act at 23:24


Levante still haven’t said their last word. The Granota team has managed to win against Elche in a match that could mark a before and after in the fight for salvation. Just three days ago they seemed doomed to decline, but in that period of time the situation has taken a 180 degree turn. With two wins and a draw, Levante has seven points out of a possible nine, placing itself -in the absence of what its competitors do- six points from salvation.



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Cardenas; Miramón, Rober, Duarte, Cáceres (Coke, 87′), Son; De Frutos (Bardhi, 76′), Pepelu, Malsa (Dani Gómez, 86′), Morales (Melero, 64′); Roger (Vukcevic, 86′).


Badia; Barragán (Josan, 60′), Roco, Bigas, Mojica; Morente (Marcone, 75′), Mascarell (Guti, 75′), Gumbau, Pere Milla (Fidel, 75′); Boye (Ponce, 60′), Carrillo.


1-0 M. 37 Morales; 2-0 M. 67 Of Fruits; 3-0 M. 90 Melero.


González Fuertes (Asturian). TA: De Frutos (69′)/Rodríguez (55′), Barragán (60′), Roco (83′). TR: Gumbau (73′).


City of Valencia. 14,237 spectators.

The Ciutat de Valencia surrendered to the team from the first moments of the match, and Levante showed their incisors. The first race of of fruits down the right wing served as a prelude to Alessio Lisci’s approach to the game: deal damage through backlash. The Granota forward, through speed, was eroding the defense from Elche with the passing of the minutes.

In one of these multiple transitions, The Granota team ended up going ahead in the electronic. Roger appeared like a shadow on the back of gumbau to snatch the ball from him and open the band towards of fruits. The Segovian, with devilish speed, ran down the right lane until planting himself in the opposite area and serving a real candy that Jose Luis Morales he just had to push to the bottom of the net.

In the second part, the premises were more conservative. The frenzied counterattacks gradually subsided and Morales left the pitch in favor of Melero to gain control in midfield. Despite the change in dynamics, De Frutos continued to insist. As a result of that perseverance, he went back down the right lane to serve the ball to the heart of the area. The center was directed towards malsa, but failed to connect the shot. However, as a result of a mismatch in the defense of Elche, De Frutos himself picked up the rebound and drilled the goal of Edgar Badia.

Elche, with one man less since the 73rd minute after the expulsion of Gerard Gumbau, He ended up lowering his arms and the game cooled down. However, there was time for Gonzalo Melero to give the final blow to the game in the last breath of regulation time. The midfielder placidly pushed a served pass by Dani Gomez.
