Sumar offers a ministry for Nacho Álvarez if Podemos stops its attacks


11/17/2023 at 15:43


A specific ministry is not cited for Álvarez, who as Secretary of State for Social Rights is currently Belarra’s number two in that department.

The leader of Sumar, Yolanda Diazhas offered Podemos a ministry in the new Government of Pedro Sánchez which would be for the current Secretary of State for Social Rights, Nacho Alvarezbut only if the purple formation is committed to cease his “attacks” and “insults” against her.

Pedro Sánchez must decide the composition of his new Cabinet after having promised the position of President of the Government this Friday, and being a coalition Executive with Addyou must reserve a portion of your wallets for this training.

Waiting to finalize if Sumar keeps fiveas Unidas Podemos had until now, or some are reduced because the number of ministries also decreasesit is certain that one of those positions will be for Díaz as vice president.

The general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, already made statements this week in which she assured that Díaz and Sánchez intended to veto them so that they would not have representation in the Cabinet. has advanced Díaz’s letter to Podemos, which Sumar sources have confirmed to EFE, while since the purple formation there is no comment at the moment.

A specific ministry is not cited for Álvarez, who as Secretary of State for Social Rights is currently Belarra’s number two in that department.

But Díaz sets conditions, and the first of them is that Podemos stop launching “attacks” and “insults” at the members of Sumar and, specifically, herself.

In addition, he urges them to commit to running with Sumar in next year’s European elections.
