Sumar calls on Sanchez to open negotiations to set the government program and structure

Add try to speed up the times to definitively close the way to PP and Vox. Yolanda Díaz’s coalition has not waited even 24 hours since 23J to publicly ask to open negotiations both with the PSOE, who has been called upon to agree on a government program and structure, and with the necessary nationalist forces to revalidate the coalition. The 31 deputies who won this Sunday place them as a decisive actor when it comes to forming majorities, a opportunity that they want to materialize as soon as possible to avoid an electoral repetition that would mean “a second chance” for an Executive of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

“There is only one possible investiture. Feijóo and Vox do not have a majority to build a majority”, the campaign spokesman, Ernest Urtasun, began this Monday at a press conference from the Sumar headquarters, in the Espacio Larra. From there he has defended that “there is only one possible investiture, which is that of a coalition government”, an alliance that will be based on two axes: coalition program, to agree on the measures that will be carried out in the next legislature, and the structure of Government, to determine which ministries there will be and which corresponds to the minority wing.

“We want to start talking and dialogue as soon as possible, we all have a huge responsibility ahead of us,” said Urtasun, who has called on Pedro Sánchez’s party to start the talks “now”. “You can build a majority of progress in this country again and you have to talk to all the political forces to do it as soon as possible.”

“We are going to achieve it”

Urtasun has called “work in two directions”, with an open path with the PSOE to agree on a program and a Government, and another “with the political formations that can make the only possible investiture viable.” In this sense, the Sumar spokesperson has assured that “We can make that coalition government and I am sure that we are going to achieve it.“. Asked about the possibility of an electoral repetition, the leader flatly rejected this possibility, because It meant giving “a second chance to PP and Vox to achieve a majority”.

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In this sense, the spokesman for Sumar has assured that the coalition is “satisfied” with the results, and has made it clear that “it is the first time that we have run” in a general election, referring to the criticism of Podemos, which blamed Yolanda Díaz for the loss of votes. Faced with this thesis, Urtasun defended that “yesterday is a success”, but that it is only “a starting point, not an arrival point”.

The coalition spokesman advanced on this point that what is now registered as an instrumental party now has a vocation of permanence, advancing that in this new cycle they also have the intention to “organizaively deploy” the platform “as a political formation that is going to be key”.
