Suicide attempt | Hospitalized a minor with autism after jumping off a balcony in Tarragona

02/27/2023 at 2:00 p.m.


The 15-year-old boy has survived “miraculously” and has “broken arms, legs and two ribs, in addition to two fractured vertebrae,” according to the family.

A family from La Ràpita (Tarragona) has denounced the attempt to suicide of his 15-year-old son Pol, with a slight degree of autismhospitalized since last Monday after jump off a fourth floor balcony and it was victim of teasing at school

The boy “miraculously has survived to a fall of 14 meters”, but he has “arms, legs and two broken ribs, in addition to two fractured vertebrae” and “he has already undergone various surgeries”, the father, Josep Gual Rebull, has made public on social networks “at the request ” of his son.

“I don’t know where to start, my wife and I are going through the worst days of our lives,” begins the father’s post, which is accompanied by a photograph of the child in the hospital, where you can see the seriousness of his condition. According to the parent, Pol “has a degree of autism” and “difficulties to relate, but is very intelligent and realizes everything what surrounds you.”

Apparently, according to the father’s testimony, before throwing himself in, the young man left written that I didn’t want to live “in a world where bad people are applauded and sensitive, noble and good-hearted people always have to lose”.

The father considers that his son was not a “direct” victim of harassment, although he adds that “there are many ways to make people feel bad and it all adds up” and that Pol was the victim of laughter and expressions such as “this guy is a weirdo, look at how he moves, he doesn’t relate to anyone”. “And so he was completely alone day after day, in the playground, in the library, so as not to be teased,” deplores the father, who laments that “until a day comes when his logical mind says… what I do here, I no longer have moments of happiness”. The parent adds that “parents are very important” but “in this phase of life the relationship with their peers is vital”.

According to Josep Gual, his son “wants to get well to start a new life and to be able to explain their experience and make adolescents aware that with their attitude they can cause these situations”.

Its about second case in a week of minors who jump off the balcony after a 12-year-old girl died for this reason in Sallent (Barcelona), while her twin sister was seriously injured, in a case attributed to several factors, among others, to bullying that they suffered

Specialists point out that deaths by suicide never have their only trigger, but are the result of psychological, biological and social factors that have treatment. People with suicidal behavior and their relatives can receive help 24 hours a day by calling the suicidal behavior hotline: 024, 112 or contacting the Hope Telephone: 717 00 37 17.
