Suggestion round: ‘I found it difficult to let go of the snacks’ | Feeling good in your skin challenge

“Last year I was already planning to participate in the Lekker in je vel challenge, but I got corona. I couldn’t do anything and had no energy to participate. That’s why I’m participating for the first time this year. After a period of lots of fun and a Burgundian lifestyle, it’s time to reset. I have gained a few kilos and I would like to lose them again.”


“My goal is to lose three to four kilos. Then I’m back to a healthy weight. That’s not much, but at my age weight loss is a lot slower than with younger women. I therefore plan to do the challenge for eight weeks instead of four. After eight weeks I hope to have lost the kilos. Another important reason for me to participate in the challenge is that I want to grow old healthy. I used to be a nutritionist and know that if I eat healthy I also get more energy.”


“I’ve always learned from work that you have to keep your engine running, so eat a lot of snacks. At the beginning of this challenge I found it difficult to let go of this. In this challenge you eat three times a day without snacks. But that’s fine with me now. I’ve looked into Dr Tamara’s vision and it’s clear to me why I don’t need those snacks. I don’t need it anymore either. The only thing I still do, which doesn’t quite fit with Tamara’s vision, is eat a bowl of yogurt at ten o’clock in the evening. I have been doing this for 25 years and I feel comfortable with it and I sleep well. I took off a third of the portion.”


“I think the recipes are very tasty and innovative. Occasionally I find they have little taste, but then I just add some spices. My husband joins the challenge for dinner. I’m not going to cook two different meals. We both think that the recipes could be a bit spicier, but we also give it our own twist. The supermarket in our village doesn’t sell some ingredients from the menu and some recipes are too much work for me to make. Then I have to improvise a bit, but I always make sure that the dishes fit the challenge.”


“In the first week of the challenge I gained one and a half kilos. My courage then sank. I received a lot of reactions and tips from other participants via Facebook and then I reduced my portions. That one and a half kilos has now been lost again. I really like a Facebook page like this. It is motivating to see messages from other participants. In addition, the tips I get from other women or doctor Tamara are also very nice.”


“My tip for other participants is to follow the weekly menu for four to five days and cook with the leftovers the other two days. Sometimes a recipe says, for example, half an avocado and you don’t need the other half for the rest of the week. You can come up with dishes that match the weekly menus, so you don’t waste food.”

Want to join too?

Our Tasty in your skin challenge will also be free in 2022 and available to everyone. Do you want to join us? Then go to the nice in your skin page of VROUW or search Facebook for WOMAN Comfortable in your own skin challenge 2022. You can sign up for the private Facebook group there. And after signing up for the WOMAN Newsletter (Check WOMAN Daily and WOMAN Weekly) you won’t miss a thing.

Have you prepared one of our recipes? Then we would love it if you could send the photos of your creations via the Nice in your skin challenge Facebook group shares! We also like it if you tag us on Instagram with and #LekkerInJeVel2022.


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